Thursday, December 4, 2008


thanksgiving was good this year. the best i've had in a while. probably bc i didn't bring any boys home this year so it was relatively stress-free. unlike PopularBloggingFriend, my parents are totally fine with me not bring boys home. they aren't too concerned with matrimony. instead, i disappoint them with my lack of education (a masters from a prestigious university is not adequate). my dad & i had a long talk over the holiday that went something like this:

why don't you go to med school?
b/c i want to be an epidemiologist

but you like medicine right?
well, i like infectious diseases, but i also like the statistics part

if you like math you could get a PhD in BioStatistics
yeah, i've thought about that, but i like the health aspect of epi

why don't you go to med school?
i don't want to be a clinician
well, you then need to get a PhD. in BioStats.


A Frost said...

awesome I love family comments. My grandma told me that I was not married b/c I can't bake bread.

rbsp said...

Ha, I'm glad my parents aren't the only ones who like to dish out the life advice... and I'm glad you could tear yourself away from all the good tv that is on to blog!!!

More Bacon said...

I spent my thanksgiving with my sister and her family, none of whom commented on my lack of education or inappropriate education choices or lack of a man.

It was refreshing.