Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gmail Addiction

emails received from SSG in the past hour: 6
emails sent to SSG in the past hour: 5
number of gmail conversations: 4

what will i do at work when she leaves for the land down under?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

suck it, utah

My work was cancelled on Friday for less than a 1/4 inch of snow. Sometimes, life in the South is awesome.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wisdom from Summer Roberts

according to Summer*, the way you spend New Year's Eve is the way you'll spend the entire year. in my case, that would be sleeping on Rational Thought's couch.

i could only hope for as much.

*if you don't know who Summer Roberts is, you should probably rent The OC: Season 1

Friday, January 1, 2010

so this is the new year

in celebration of Popular Blogging Friend's favorite holiday, i'd like to share my favorite list of resolutions: