Wednesday, December 17, 2008

personality tests

last night i had a few friends over & we got to talking about personality tests. i love personality tests bc i don't have to waste time getting to know people before deciding that i don't like them ("you're a white/red? oh, ummm, i have to go...")

in the color code test, i am a red with blue & yellow tied for 2nd. while i like the color code, it is a bit simplistic. i prefer the myers-briggs test, which describes you with 4 letters (2 options for each one). i often find it scarily accurate, but don't agree with everything. here are some highlights from my MBTI:

ESFJ (extroverted, sensing, feeling, judging)

interested in others
have a strong desire to be liked/need approval from others to feel good about themselves
take responsibilities seriously
value security, stability, & details
have very well-formed ideas about the way things should be & freely express them
driven to control & manipulate
respect laws/rules & believe other should as well
like structured/organized environments

1 comment:

IzeOfLight said...

Ha ha! I love the "Oh, you're a white/red? I have to go . . ." Totally classic. I LOVE the Color Code! But you already know this.