Thursday, December 18, 2008

a quick learner

i've been to a lot of holiday parties in the past few weeks. some form of beef has been served at almost all of them. i'm not sure what possessed me to eat the beef, but i did. maybe it was the peer pressure. one would think i would have stopped after getting sick the 1st time. or the 2nd. or the 3rd. but, no, there is still some leftover beef in my fridge from my latest social venture and i intend to eat it tomorrow.


IzeOfLight said...

Hmmm. What kind of beef? In my mind, the only beef that's worth it is filet mignon, or whatever beef Tucano's is serving. Otherwise, meh.

bh said...

some of it was really nice roast beef, but some was crappy hamburgers - not so good.

More Bacon said...

Well, according to the media, beef is what's for dinner, so you're okay there.

And Laura's right--it's like they say in Friends, when Phoebe is going to cheat and eat meat, and Joey says that it's like when you're dating someone, and you don't want to cheat on them unless it's with someone really hot...then they have steak.

You need a steak. I'll eat one in your honor, if you'd like.

Also, if I could eat some french fries in your honor, that'd be awesome too.

Katie said...

If people stopped eating the foods that made them sick...(to the point of vomit...)i wouldn't be able to eat ANY kind of food!!! I'm just sayin...not that this is the case or anything...;-)

bh said...

yes, liz, please eat a steak & french fries in my honor. perhaps some pie as well.

More Bacon said...

Well, if you need me to eat pie in your honor, I'll take that great responsibility.

I ate all kinds of treats tonight that I shouldn't have, but strangely, no beef. I'll get to work on that one tomorrow.