Saturday, December 6, 2008

family fun

i got a lot of quality family time in november. it was surprisingly nice. my niece, of course, demanded to be the constant center of attention.

Boy wants to take a nap, but apparently it is his birthday:

the siblings. OlderSister is hiding her twin-filled belly:

we played dress-up in grandma's clothes. Babes looks particularly awesome:

i wish Boy knew how to take a picture that was actually in focus:
why is she topless? i do not know. she just took her shirt off & than ran away yelling "i want to be naked!" so i gave her some candy.


Saule Cogneur said...

Ah HA! Your grandma went to Hogwarts! That's SO cool!

More Bacon said...

It turns out that you can get lots of things by taking off your shirt, including candy... :)