Saturday, March 1, 2008

this post was organically grown

i've be accused of being an earth-loving hippie more than once. in some ways it is accurate: i religiously recycle (including going through my kitchen trash daily to remove recyclables my roommate has carelessly thrown away & saving all my junk till i take it school to recycle in the paper bins), i bring my own bag to the grocery store, i started a garden, i take public transport to school, i try to conserve water, & i try to buy truly eco-friendly products (my shower curtain is bio-degradable!)

but when i start feeling good about my granola-y life, i pay my Canadian friend a visit to remind myself of the truth. last night she & her husband hosted a pizza party in their completely 2nd hand furnished apartment. not only was the whole wheat dough and sauce homemade, so was the cheese. all the vegetables were from the farmers market, as were the spices. of course there was no meat b/c the meat industry destroys the environment. even the cornmeal for the bottom of the crust was from the mexican grocery store. the only thing not bought at the local market was the beer, which was bought at the local package store from the local brewery. (it was the best pizza i've ever had)

at the end of the night my fake dolce&gabbana purse and i drove off in my infinti pondering what a corporate sellout i am. earth-loving hippie? maybe someday i'll really reach that level. until then i will continue to search through my kitchen trash & admire my truly earth-loving friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think i feel like pouring some gas and oil around the woods behind the house and throwing a match...