Wednesday, September 26, 2007

futures made & fortunes lost

I've been having some car trouble & boy success lately:

On Monday my friend, Park City (the aforementioned boy in the post about my weekend), and I went to FHE & my car wouldn't start afterwards. It eventually did after trying for 5 minutes & we went on our merry way.

Last night I went to get the sister missionaries for dinner & it wouldn't start again. This time it took about 15 minutes of trying to get it going. On our way home we got in an accident with a nice British man who didn't see us & slammed his fancy Jaguar into the side of my car. I knew if I turned my car off it wouldn't start again so I made the sisters stay in it with it running while we did the insurance exchange thing. After sorting all that out, I still had to go to the grocery store to buy some food for the sisters. Still worried my car wouldn't start, I made them stay in the car again while I ran in & got the stuff.
By the time we got to my house the sisters had been sitting in my car for 45 minutes. Definitely an effective use of their time.

In my distress after the accident I called PC for emotional support. He offered to come up and take the sisters & me to institute. After institute we took the sisters home and went back to my house. In an attempt to cheer me up he told me stories about awkward moments with girls (example: once to avoid a kissing situation with a girl he ended up shoving a can of chili into her stomach instead). As the evening ended, I decided once again that he does actually like me.

So, the key to getting attention from boys is to have such a pathetically awful day that they are forced to feel sorry for you. If only I'd known how easy it is earlier...

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

Excellent!!! Now if only some nice british man would run his car into mine so that I could have a guy like me...then again, I really like my car, maybe more than I want a guy to like me. I guess I'll stick with not having my car all smashed.

But way to go!!! I want to hear DETAILS very soon. I think he should ask you out.