Sunday, September 2, 2007

freaks & geeks

so i've lived in the city of Atlanta for about a week now & thus far have not been too impressed with the cultural offerings. everything changed tonight when i happened upon Dragon*Con, Atlanta's premier pop culture/sci-fi/fantasy convention. while wandering downtown with some friends, i saw a man dressed as a star wars storm trooper. and then i saw a harry potter, a man with a large wooden sword, & a plethora of nerds with dragons or wizards on their over-sized t-shirts. eventually i made my way down to a veritable parade of characters. my favorites were the 7 foot tall Chewbacca, 4 guys that collectively made up a tetris game, the lego man, & a girl dressed as the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz (completely with ruby slippers).

the best part about the event was how excited all the participants seemed to be. i've been hunting for a new hobby lately & i think this might just be the perfect thing. the social implications may be a bit negative. i always thought those people were fringe members of society, but apparently there are enough of them to fill 3 large hotels. and they did all seem very happy. i could always wear a storm trooper mask so no one would know it was actually me...

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