Tuesday, February 3, 2009

burt's bees promotes peace & love

a while ago i met a girl in my ward. we've hung out a few times over the past few months. then, on sunday she asked to borrow my chapstick. and i let her. and tonight she let me borrow hers. now i know that we are true friends.


IzeOfLight said...

Amen. Best. Chapstick. Ever.

In fact, I bought two the other day and I think they're so fantastic that someone stole them from me because I can't find them. Clearly, that's the only option.

A Frost said...

I am glad that Burt's Bees wax allowed you and Nikki to define your relationship :)

Sara said...

I don't think I will ever have true friends. I hate sharing things that go on or in my mouth.

However, sharing food has become less of a problem for me recently. It mostly depends on the type of food. Oh, and the person I'm sharing with, I guess.

Uh . . . but yeah, sharing chapstick is out. I'm sorry, Brooke, but if we were in a desert together and I had chapstick and you didn't, you'd be outta luck.


nikki said...

I had suspected we were friends, but the chapstick-sharing confirmation was pretty reassuring. Not gonna lie.

Sara said...

I was recently in a situation where I had to either share my chapstick with someone or look really weird by saying, "No, that's against everything I stand for." Usually, I just say I don't have chapstick, but for whatever reason, I obliged this person . . . I haven't used my chapstick since, and it has left me wondering: Am I that shallow of a friend?
