Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the short end of the stick

i've seen a lot of very small people around atlanta lately. i don't think their numbers are actually growing or that i am more observant. i do think various people have taken to pointing out the diminutive stature of others to me. they shall remain nameless.

1) case one: driving in the car with someone. we stop at a corner. mid-sentence, she stops and says, "Look how little she is!". i look around and see a child on the corner standing with some adults. then i realize she is an adult nurse in her scrubs. how did i miss that? my fellow rider goes into a monologue about how she'd hate to be so small & everyone in her family is at least 5'9"

2) case two: in church. my seatmate leans over & says, "can you imagine being that small?" conversation on the topic of smallness ensues.

3) case three: on iChat. a bubble pops up, "seriously, what would it be like to be that small? where would you shop for clothes?"..."and, you always look younger. it could be hard to get people to take you seriously"...i mention you'd get carded for alcohol at lot too & that would get old.

at the towering height of 5'4" i can only have pity for all those short people...

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