Wednesday, January 28, 2009

full disclosure

some confessions:

1) i hate jazz. i've tried to like, but it is just boring.

2) i only wear a bike helmet because i'm in public health & i feel like a hypocrite when i don't.

3) i lie to people at least twice a week to get out of talking to them any longer.

4) i rarely eat the crusts on my bread. i usually just pull them off & throw them away.


KT said...

your last one bout the bread crusts...i got in trouble while in rehab for taking my crust off the bread and not eating it. apparently that is "ed" behavior...uh...ok lady!!!

KT said...

p.s tagged has become you

More Bacon said...

I lied to someone today because I didn't want or have time to have the conversation that my honest reply would've started.

I felt guilty about it, but I got to school on time, so...whatever.