Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ritalin, ritlan...anyone? ritalin?

i think i developed ADD over the summer. yesterday was my 1st day of class at emory. it started off well since i saw one of my best friends right as i walked in the door. we went to our 1st class together: behavioral epidemiology, which is an interesting class. however, about 15 minutes into the class i was fidgeting, making to-do lists, drawing pictures - doing everything put patiently listen & take notes. i looked at another friend next to me. she too was halfway done with a to-do list. (epidemiologists love lists. i've never met one that doesn't). after the 3 hour lecture finally ended, my original friend said "was i distracting you with all my moving around? i just couldn't keep still!"

in the afternoon i had an epi modeling class. about 20 minutes in the girl next to me pulled out some playdough. she divided between herself, me, & another friend and that kept us pretty well occupied for the next hour. when i started to get bored, i took a nap. i guess i still need to work on building up that elusive attention span.

1 comment:

IzeOfLight said...

Dude, seriously? I empathize. I used to have a pretty decent attention span. Then who knows what happened. I'm trying to read multiple books right now, and none of them are going well. I keep thinking, Ooooh! I want to do this or see this or look up this. It's pathetic.