Saturday, February 9, 2008

the beat goes on

last sunday the bishop gave me a new calling. while he had me trapped in his office, he said, "you know, you are going to have to get married eventually". i mumbled some non-committal like "heh, yeah, maybe..." & he dropped it. in retrospect i should have said, "hey, i'm not opposed to it, but have you seen the options in this ward? no thanks for now." this is the 1st time a bishop has informed me that my biological clock is ticking. have i really reached the age where i am so old that i need to start throwing myself at anything with a Y-chromosome in hopes that i can get one to marry me? i don't think so, bishop.


More Bacon said...

I think that some bishops start throwing that out there WAY too early. My bishop ALWAYS wants to talk about my dating life. I tell him that there isn't one, and then he wants to know why the guys in the ward aren't asking out the girls.

Like I am going to have an answer for that.

IzeOfLight said...

But at least our bishop does constantly say, "What is WRONG with the men in the ward?"

Yeah, we don't have the answer, but at least our bishop is kind to us. =)

Unknown said...

yes brooke, yes you should

Saule Cogneur said...

Be careful. Those are dangerous things you're saying. You're getting into the realm of free thought, and no one likes a free thinker, especially guys.