Thursday, February 7, 2008

hate to say i told you so

Mitt Romney (or, "Mittens" as a school friend likes to call him) dropped out of the Republican primary today. If you'll notice, my previous post predicted his demise. I'm always right.
Except when it comes to Huckabee - who saw that coming? I am ashamed to say both my home state & the one I currently reside in went to Huckabee. WTF? Just b/c he is 1) Southern and 2) a former preacher does NOT mean he would be a good president. But, that is all the people down here seem to care about. And we wonder why the rest of the country thinks Southerns are stupid...


More Bacon said...

A valid point. I am not one to think that any group of people is "stupid" just by geography, but some of those Southern states are sure making it hard for me to have faith in their intelligence.

I love "mittens"--too funny!

Saule Cogneur said...

I don't wonder. :)