Friday, February 22, 2008

for a moment you're eyes open

yesterday was rather crappy:
*the train left 4 minutes earlier than scheduled so it took me almost 1.5 hrs to get to school b/c i missed it, thus just missing my bus
*it poured rain all day
*most annoying, i was trapped eating lunch with the TimeSucker (because the guys i'm actually friends with flaked) & remembered the many reasons i dislike him.

but then, as i actually made it home before dark for the 1st time this week, i noticed that all the redbud trees in my apartment complex are in bloom. there's nothing like little pink flowers blooming in February to make a girl feel happier.

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

Pink flowers in February would probably just make me feel confused!!

Sorry about the crappy day--that's never fun...