Friday, September 4, 2009

things i've learned 7

1. target brand tupperware is not in fact water tight & will let watermelon juice leak into your pretty new lunch bag (but at least i had my pretty new lunch bag, otherwise it would have leaking to my biking bag which is not as easy to clean. thanks, SSG!)

2. if you put your bike helmet underneath the automatic foam soap dispenser in the bathroom at work when you are changing into your biking clothes for your eco-friendly commute home, your helmet will get soapy.

3. when you are cleaning the knobs on your gas stove & accidently turn one of them part way (but not enough to see a flame), that weird smell in your kitchen is leaking gas. and, you probably should have figured that out about 45 minutes earlier than you did.


Sara said...

Yikes to no. 3! I'm glad you're alive!

Carrie said...

Seriously. Good thing you didn't decide to light any candles.

More Bacon said...

All important life lessons...glad you didn't explode or anything.

But I am sorry about the soapy helmet. That's why I don't ride a bike.

Either that, or because I'm lazy. Tough to say.