Monday, September 21, 2009

the perils of life in the ATL

when i 1st moved here, there was a drought.

then there were tornados.

now, there are floods. as in 15 inches of water in two days (after a week of rain already) floods. as in the "amount of rain is something you would expect in the Atlanta region once every 300 to 400 years" floods (according to the Weather Channel). as in if work is not cancelled tomorrow i'll be annoyed b/c all the schools in my county are closed so i shouldn't have to go in either even if the roads between my house & work are perfectly fine floods.


IzeOfLight said...

Move. To Southern CA.

Then you can have earthquakes and fires and riots and complete the natural disaster circle with a dose of violence thrown in for fun.

You send me texts telling me about companies in Atlanta with whom I need to meet, and I respond by telling you about natural disasters you need to experience so I can see you more than once every two years. Not a bad exchange.

bh said...

laura, when i lived in CA, it rained everyday for the first month i was there. not that different from here...

update: work was NOT cancelled. even though it was sunny & fine all day, i was annoyed.