Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the perils of working in an HIV research clinic

because of the flooding, the schools in atlanta have been closed all week & yesterday my boss brought her five year old daughter to work. when the little girl was playing around in her mom's office, she found what she thought was a tomato on her mother's desk. she proceeded to wander around the office asking everyone there why there was a tomato on her mom's desk. when i arrived at work, my boss said "why don't you ask brooke why there was a tomato on my desk?" i was like "what? i don't know anything about that." then, i saw the tomato:

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow, Brooke. Every time I visit your blog, I'm a little shocked by this image still. Only you would post a picture of a condom . . . Sigh. :)