Wednesday, January 7, 2009


a lot of people are doing a retrospect of 2008 on their blogs but that wasn’t the best year for me so instead i thought i’d reminisce about some of my favorite memories from my “blogosphere” friends.

* one time ChurchGirl and i played old school Nintendo together. she was awed by my skills. seriously, you should ask her about how awesome i was.

* one time PC & i went to blockbuster to get a movie. after wandering for about 30 minutes, he lay down on the floor & started moaning. we finally got an Austrian film i had suggested in the 1st five minutes, went home, & watched a dvd my roommate already had

* many times another friend laughed loudly in church. a little late. from the stand. and everyone in the congregation would then laugh as well. it was usually the best part of church.

* one time i was upset so The Manorexic cheered me up by saying in all seriousness that he didn’t have any weaknesses. i think it was the only time i laughed the entire week and i laughed hard. really hard.

* one time Popular Blogging Friend & i watched Arrested Development for hours. it was probably the best night of my life. i will be forever grateful


rbsp said...

It was probably the best night of my life too...

More Bacon said...

Oh I the friend with a late laugh?? Or do you have another friend with a late laugh? Because if you do, maybe that other friend and I should have some sort of therapy...

bh said...

its totally you, liz! one of my favorite things about you. you made church so much less boring!