Friday, December 14, 2007

an inconvenient truth

Why is global warming such a political issue? I have been pondering this lately. What about the very idea of humans being responsible in any way for climate change upsets people like ann coulter so much? it has nothing to do with the war, abortion, or jesus.
i have decided that is has absolutely nothing to do with the issue itself - it is only because Al Gore made a movie about it that liberals support it & conservatives deny it. i think that if Bush or Cheney had been the politicians to say global warming was a problem conservatives would be slapping green ribbons on their cars right next to their American flags and christian fish. and liberals would be ranting about how bush is spending all the national budget on yet another pipe dream.

As happy as i am that people are starting to pay more attention to caring for the environment, the whole eco fad is kinda annoying me. all the "green" t-shirts, cars, makeup, etc. aren't really a substitute for recycling, planting trees, and not wasting what we have. the eco-craze is just another thing we've found to make us all feel good about ourselves without actually having to change our lifestyles. the "green" oscars? seriously? how are all those diamonds eco-friendly? instead of wasting millions of dollars on publicity stunts why didn't they use all that money to buy up some rainforest in brazil - or better yet, encourage economic development so people wouldn't have to keep chopping it down. hypocrites.

1 comment:

IzeOfLight said...

Interesting thoughts! I do agree that if Republicans were the ones behind this, the Democrats wouldn't be, etc. It's too bad that the sides have to polarize themselves on issues just for the sake of polarization, instead of looking at the issue itself.

A lecture by Brother Fluhman on Consecration (Section 104, I believe?) really transformed my thinking on all this, though it'd happened incrementally since I became earthy crunchy over a decade ago. It's all about stewardship, really, in my mind.

Good stuff, Brooke. =)