Monday, May 19, 2008

the complexities of my refuse system

now that i live in decatur a whole new world of eco-friendliness has opened up. decatur has curbside recycling for things other than just plastic & aluminum (they also take stuff like cereal boxes, paper, etc.). they also charge you for trash by volume so it is wise to recycle as much as possible. as i've been moving in i've generated a fair amount of refuse to dispose of. so far i've sorted it all into 5 different piles.

target bag: plastic bags to recycle at kroger (note cool new canvas shopping bags in background to prevent future plastic bag usage)
kroger bag: actual trash for the garbage truck

blue bag: curbside recycling
box: recycling to be dropped off at whole foods (cardboard, type 4&5 plastics)

compost for my compost bin in my backyard

who knew throwing things away could get so complicated?


More Bacon said...

That is complicated!

Out here in Utah, we hardly recycle anything, so it's not too tricky.

More Bacon said...
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anadblog said...

You don't have to go to Whole Foods...everything but plastic bags go out in curbside bins...

Take care, Dana & Sam