Wednesday, April 2, 2008

movin on up

one of my goals this year was to be more independent. i've done decently well, but i still have a long ways to go. in my continual quest for personal growth, i decided to live alone next year. i felt a bit apprehensive about signing the lease, but the place was pretty much perfect. so i signed without even calling my mother so she could tell me to do it. (she had told me a month earlier to do it when i told her of the possibility, but that doesn't count, right?)
i'm slightly concerned that i might be lonely, go crazy, & start talking to my furniture or shampoo bottles. but, i figure i've made enough friends in atlanta that i'll be okay & i've always wanted to live alone, so i'm going to have a go of it. if my posts start talking about hair products too often though, someone should probably let me know.

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

Definitely will let you know... good luck--that's exciting!!!