Monday, January 10, 2011

for the record

i applied to PhD programs in Biostatistics at Emory, Harvard, Boston U, Minnesota, & Washington. i'll hear back around March. i want to study how diseases move geographically.

i am so tired of saying these sentences.


A Frost said...

Ha Ha... I feel the same way about questions about my pregnancy.

Carrie said...

It's really hard when people are interested in what's going on in your life :)

bh said...

it would cooler if they were interested enough to remember the first time i told them. (i'm looking at you, dad)

Sara said...

Hahaha! I love it when Carrie is sassy!

Also, just wait until you leave. People will ask the same questions over and over again then, too. "When are you leaving?" "Are you driving or flying?" "When does school start?"


Kristen said...

My favorite is when people keep asking me what kind of pharmacist I want to be :)

IzeOfLight said...

Selfishly, I'm devastated that none of those schools are in Southern California. I want to curl up in a ball and cry. Selflessly, I'm very excited for you.

bh said...

there are different kinds of pharmacists?

More Bacon said...

Train between Boston and NYC. I'm just saying...