Monday, January 10, 2011


remember how Niece #1 wanted to throw a snowball at Boy? as he was leaving to get released, we went out to have our snowball "fight." he was wearing his suit so he mostly hid in the garage and used a broom to hit away her feeble attempts. after i got tired of making snowballs for her, she unsuccessfully tried tossing handfuls of snow at him.

our little future lawyer

eventually she realized she was never going to hit him so she tried a different tactic:
Uncle, i want to show you something!
[Boy peeking tentatively around the corner] don't hit me with a snowball
i won't. i won't!
[Boy finally comes out, lets her come right up to him, and bends over. she throws the entire pile of snow in her hands into his face/eyes]
arghh! i can't believe she did that!
[much laughter from everyone other than Boy]
she lied to me!
no i didn't! it wasn't a snowball - it was a pile of snow!

he should have known better.