Friday, May 14, 2010


i have a deep and eternal love for television. a few of the best things i've seen lately:

The Simpsons opening credits covering Ke$ha

Betty White: The best thing that's happened to SNL since the election

The latest episode of Glee was particularly good b/c they had people other than Rachel & Finn singing (i am SO bored with them, i don't care how good they are. ok, "Jesse's Girl" was actually really good. speaking of him, i hate Jesse Saint-James. he is dull as hell & there was zero chemistry between him and Rachel. yawn.)

you're welcome.


IzeOfLight said...

I know we've never had similar taste in TV/movies (well, except for Will & Grace), but I so want you to review Castle. =)

bh said...

laura, you have to like Glee though, right? i mean, you love musicals!