Monday, April 27, 2009


Dear ChurchGirl,

I have found a flaw with living in Southern California: swine flu. I hope you don't get it. You should probably not hang out with sick people. I will remain safe & healthy in Georgia. I figure living so close to the CDC will protect me.

PS - Utah friends, it is coming your way. You should probably stock up on face masks right away. And shun people from California.


IzeOfLight said...

So when this swine flu passes, will there no longer be a fatal flaw in Southern California, meaning you have no more barriers to your moving here?

Just sayin' . . . =)


bh said...

mmmm, also cost of living. that is a pretty big barrier... as in, the only barrier.

More Bacon said...

I've always shunned people from Southern California except for ChurchGirl, so I'm pretty set.

Of course, I took a little weekend trip up to Seattle and there were several confirmed cases up there, so maybe I caught it? Would it get me out of work for a while? It doesn't look to be doing much more than getting schools and churches closed, but I'm really interested in both of those things.

IzeOfLight said...

I don't like this whole cost-of-living barrier. Take it down!