Monday, April 6, 2009


the other night some friends & i were talking about crying & how long it had been since we'd cried. it ranged from 12 hours (a girl) to over a year (a boy. i know you're shocked). i don't really enjoy crying. it makes me SO uncomfortable if other people are around when i cry. i was thinking about the people i've felt comfortable crying in front of during my life. it was a short list:

1. Boy

2. my mission comp of 7 months

3. one roommate/best friend from pre-mission BYU years

4. one (and only one) of my ex-boyfriends

1 comment:

KT said...

WHAT?! Even after knowing my absolute crazies and hysterics you would feel weird crying around me? ;-) hahaha j/k...but i guess me being a nut job around you made you feel more normal and hence the need not to cry? hahhaaaaaa :D