Thursday, May 31, 2012

Month of May, It's a Violent Thing

the month of May has not been easy. the first 1.5 weeks consisted of studying for/taking finals and the last 2.5 weeks consisted of frantically studying for my PhD qualifying exam. bonus - in the middle of the month, M2 left for a 4 month internship in DC. (given my track record with long-distance relationships, that is basically a kiss of death)

 a summary of my last 3 weeks

BUT, i also have the most amazing friends ever. in the days preceding my exam i had 2 different people make me dinner, 3 plates of baked goods delivered to my house (one was even accompanied by homemade ice cream & berries!), and countless encouraging emails and texts. when i finished my exam this afternoon, another friend took me "victory shopping" (i bought a victory candle). and when i get back from TN next week, my home teachers are taking me to dinner. how great is my life? 

brownies from my culinarily-gifted neighbor

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