Friday, October 1, 2010

worst. camping trip. ever.

i was jealous of Popular Blogging Friend's camping adventures so i decided to have my own. let me start by saying, we really did enjoy ourselves. we went to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, which i find quite lovely. probably b/c i basically grew up in those mountains.

a view on the hike

that said, it was probably the worst camping trip i've ever been on. the hike was basically straight up, i got really bad blisters & hurt my leg, it rained all night & the all 2nd day, and we ran into crazy evangelical Christians that left us anti-Mormon notes at our campsite after they saw my BYU visor.

this is how we felt by the end of the trip

it's a good thing that i really like the people i went with b/c we managed to have a great time* despite the overall suckiness.

the view from the top. there are lots of mountains somewhere in that mist

*also, we had a techno dance party in the tent. it lasted 15 seconds (which is turns out to be about 5 seconds longer than any techno dance party should ever last).


IzeOfLight said...

An Evangelical left an anti-Mormon, anti-Joseph Smith DVD on my car after presumably seeing my license plate when I was at the DMV recently. Choice.

This post had me laughing out loud. Love the techno-dance-party-in-a-tent visual--classic!

bh said...

laura, my favorite part of your story is that the person conveniently had those DVDs in their car to pass out. b/c that is what Jesus would do.

More Bacon said...

After a ward temple night this weekend, some guy came up and started yelling all kinds of stuff at us and followed us several blocks. Seriously, does he just camp outside the temple and wait for people to come out?

I like the person with a car full of anti-lds DVDs better. Too funny. I can get how people choose to not believe in stuff, but all of the hateful chasing and ranting blows my mind. And really, who has time for that, anyway?

rbsp said...

That's how we looked at the end of our hike too... don't worry...