Thursday, September 2, 2010

Coming Soon

Boy only has 4 months left in Albania. i am SO excited for him to come home. like, considering making a tear off chain for each day left excited. sometimes i worry he'll be weird & different when he gets back b/c it is hard to see his funny, immature side through his weekly email. but this week he emailed us all and said he'll arrive in TN on December 26th. which is a Sunday (and more importantly, the day after Christmas). the 'rents think he is serious b/c he said he was "99% positive", but i'm pretty convinced* he's just being the brat he's always been. it's good to see that side is still there.
on my computer, this file is labeled "dork"

*i do still have a small irrational fear he isn't lying. in which case i'll be prank calling a certain mission home in Tirana for the next 4 months to enact my revenge. hey, i never said i was mature.


More Bacon said...

I can't believe he's coming home that soon! Holy cow!

IzeOfLight said...

If you want help making the prank calls, try out my friend's site: No joke. =)