Friday, February 26, 2010

chatting with my mother

the other day i was looking through my g-chats with my mom, trying to find something. instead, i noticed two common themes in our conversations:

1. my mother neglects me:

me: hi mom
why are you neglecting me?

me: mom, aren't you happy about Obama?
Mom: hmmmm, How is your Xanax titer?
me: ha ha
i don't need it anymore
i didn't actually get to take any since you never got me some
Mom: self-reliance is better.
me: :(
Xanax is probably more fun

2. i want my mother to make me some food:

me: mom, i'm so hungry
are you making my dinner?
Mom: oh, well, i was sending emails.... hmmmm.... i know you don't like ham, which i have plenty of.... how about yummy Thai chicken bake with rice?? love, mom
me: no, i ate that yesterday
Mom: we often eat things 2 days in a row here.
and i can also offer you a lasagna.
anyway, we could look thru the freezer and see if anything appeals to you.
me: i will eat lasagna if you make it for me
Mom: i had soup for lunch. what did you have?
me: i had candy

me: go cook my dinner, mom!
me: hmmm... it is cooking!! :)
me: ha ha

3. the best: neglect + food:

me: AAAAAAA help help help! i'm being attacked!!!
only a freshly baked caked will remedy this situation
better get on that ASAP
me: CAKE!
Mom: Nope!
me: mom
why are you neglecting me?
Mom: because this is the time I can get caught up with my email. when you are out of town, I will talk to you during this time! Love, Mom
(good night)

*i particularly enjoy how she shuts me down in the last one. she knows me well


More Bacon said...

Totally reminds me of my g-chats with my own mother...hmm... We must both be needy/neglected.

Sara said...

Hahahahaha! This is my favorite post ever.

KT said...

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! sOOooO funny Brooke! :D I love the part where you had candy for lunch ;) but the whole thing was frickin hilarious!