You part the waters, the same ones i'm thirsty for
So Atlanta is in crisis. We have about 80 days worth of water left in our reservoir till the city runs out & no back up plan. Over the weekend the governor declared a state of emergency & called for the state government to reduce water consumption. As great as it is that people are starting to really pay attention to the drought, maybe we should have thought about this a bit earlier...
I can imagine the hysteria now: With Atlanta's main populations being gangster thugs & the NRA members who stockpile guns in their basements, 5 million people + no water is bound to equal quality entertainment.
Yes! This could lead to some great entertainment. I think you should escalate the situation by flushing your toilet constantly, leaving your shower running. Use as much water as you possibly can, just to see what happens.
Definitely! It'll never turn into a full blown tragedy without some help!!
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